Aula 06- Inglês
Hello friends! What’s up? Hope you are all well. Today we start a Reading Comprehension
from your book. I will translate some words for you. But, you can also (também) use your
dictionary or an online dictionary.
Part Two
Time passes
”Well, we must (temos) wait (esperar) for the future to show (mostrar),” said (disse) Mr. Bankes, coming in (vindo) from the terrace. (terraço). “It’s almost (quase) too dark (muito escuro) to see (ver),” said Andrew, coming up from the beach (praia). “One can hardly (dificilmente) tell (contar) which (qual) is the sea (mar) and which is the land (terra),” said Prue. “Do we leave (deixamos) that light (luz) burning (queimando)?”, said Lily as (enquanto) they took (tiravam) their coats (casacos) off indoors (dentro de casa).
“No,” said Prue, “not if (se) everyone’s in (está dentro)”. “Andrew”, she called back (chamou), “just (apenas) put out (apague) the light in the hall”. One by one (uma a uma) the lamps (lamparinas) were all extinguished (forma desligadas), except (exceto) that Mr. Carmichael, who like (gostava) to lie awake (ficar acordado) a little (um pouco) reading (lendo) Virgil, kept (mantinha) his candle (vela) burning (queimando) rather longer (mais tempo) than the rest.
WOOLF, Virginia. To the Lighthouse (farol).England: Wordsworth Editions, 1994
1- Choose the correct affirmation about the text. (Escolha a
afirmação correta sobre o texto).
a) In this part of the book, the main (principais) characters (personagens) arrive (chegam) home
in the morning (manhã) for a great (grande) celebration. ______
b) In this part of the book, the main characters are at a dark (escuro) place (lugar) at night
(noite), near (perto) the sea(mar). They put all lights out, except Mr. Carmichael, who (que)
likes reading at night._______
c) Virgil, Mr. Carmichael’s friend, likes (gosta) reading at night after (após) all the lights are out and everybody (todos) goes (irem) to bed (dormir). _______
d) Andrew, Prue and Lily worried (preocupavam-se) about 9sobre) burning fire at the beach.
M.r Bankes looks from the terrace and says the future is not certain for them. Mr. Carmichael continues reading his book, as (uma vez que) he is not worried (preocupado).
a. What (qual ) character(personagem) does not say (não diz) anything (nada) in this part
of the story? What (o que) is he doing (fazendo)?
b. Does this part of the story happen (acontece) in the morning, in the afternoon (a tarde),
in the evening (a noitinha) or at night? Justify. (Justifique).
c. Is it probably (provavelmente) cold (frio) or hot (quente) where (onde) these people were
(estavam)? Justify.
d. Describe (descreva) in Portuguese the place (o lugar) where the characters were.
3. Read the sentences from (do) the text (texto) and choose (escolha) the correct explanation
(explicação) to each (para cada) of them (delas).
a. Well, we must (devemos) wait for the future to show (mostrar):
- The characters had no hopes (sem esperança) for their future in the lighthouse (faról).
Mr. Bankes expressed his desire (desejo) to go back (voltar) as soon as possible (tão logo possivel),
as the future was already dark (escuro).
- Only (apenas) in the future the characters would be able (capazes) to truly (verdadeiramente) see
(ver) the place where they were, because when they arrived, it was already dark to see. Mr. Bankes
expressed (expressou) an expectation for the future.
b. We can hardly (dificilmente) tell (dizer) which is the sea and which is the land.
- Prue wants (quer) to say (dizer) she doesn’t know where the sea is from (de) where she is standing
(parada) - Prue means (quer dizer) it is so dark that it is difficult to distinguish (distiguir) the sea from
the land only (apenas) by looking.
c. Mr Carmichael (…) kept (mantinha) his candle burning rather longer than the rest.
- Mr. Carmichael left (deixava) his candle burning after all the other lights were out.
- M., Carmichael was the first to put out the candle.
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