Aula não presencial - Semana 12
Aula 02 - Inglês
Hi group! Nosso pequeno texto de hoje, fala sobre Environmental issues (questões ambientais). Hoje, vamos focar em vocabulário sobre estilo de vida sustentável (Sustainable Lifestyle). Vocês podem usar o dicionário para ajudá-los.

1- What is going to happen (acontecer) to us if we can’t (se não pudermos) breathe (respirar) the air (ar) and drink (beber) the water (água)?
a)We are going to die (morrer) and our interests (interesses) are not going to matter (importar) anymore.
b) We are going to take action (tomar uma atitude) and do something about (sobre) that.
2- The sentence “Anything else you’re interested in is not going to happen…” expresses:
a) An obligation (obrigação) you are not going to fulfill (realizar).
b) A future plan (plano) that is not going to come true (acontecer).
3- What is going to happen if you sit this one out (se você ficar de fora dessa)?
a) Things (coisas) are going to be different.
b) Things are going to change (mudar).
Como você deve ter visto as mesmas palavras em negrito aparecem várias vezes no texto e elas indicam o futuro para planos e intenções. Vamos revisar um pouco essa forma verbal tão importante.
BE GOING TO ( Futuro)
- A forma futura ‘be going to + base do verbo’ é usada para falar de planos futuros que com certeza acontecerão. Se vocês sabem, com certeza, de alguma coisa que vocês farão, vocês podem usar essa forma.
- Preciso usar um verbo auxiliar, que é o verbo ‘to be’ + going to + verbo principal + complemento
Ex: I am going to study on the weekend. (Eu estudarei no fim de semana)
They are going to travel to Paris next year. (Eles viajarão para Paris no ano que vem)
He is going to take his first driving lesson.(Ele fará sua primeira aula de direção)
- Frequentemente usamos o tempo future (going to) com expressões: tomorrow (amanhã), next week (na próxima semana), next year (próximo ano).
Forma completa
Forma contraída
Complemento da frase
I am
You are
He/she/ it is
We are
You are
They are
going to have a vacation
next month.
Ex: We are going to have a vacation next month. (Nós teremos férias no próximo mês)
Forma completa
Forma contraída
Complemento da frase
I am not
You are not
He/she/ it is not
We are not
You are not
They are not
I’m not
You’re not
He’s/she’s/it’s not
We’re not
You’re not
They’re not
going to have a vacation
next month.
Ex: We are not going to have a vacation next month. (Nós não teremos férias no próximo mês)
Verbo auxiliar vem para a frente do sujeito
Complemento da frase
Am I
Are you
Is he/ she / it
Are we
Are you
Are they
going to have a vacation
next month?
Ex: Are we going to have a vacation next month? (Nós teremos férias no próximo mês?)
1- Put the verbs in parentheses into the going to (future) form. (Conjugue os verbos que estão entre parênteses na forma futura do ‘going to’)- Cuide que algumas são interrogativas.
Example: Henry is going to work (work) tomorrow (amanhã) morning.
- _________ Jane _____________________ (play) volleyball tomorrow?
- I _______________________________ (not have) pudding. I’m on a diet.
- What _________ you ________________ (have) for dessert (sobremesa)?
- Mr. Balley _________________________ ( not visit) our school this afternoon.
- She _____________________________ (build) a new house this year.
- Peter Pan ________________________ (help) Sininho.
- Robin Hood ________________________ (live) in the forest. (floresta)
- ________ the three little pigs ______________________ (scare) the wolf (lobo)?
- My next cell phone __________________________ ( not be) an IPhone.
- __________ it ____________________________ (rain) tomorrow?
2- Write sentences. Use the going to form. (Escreva frases. Use a forma futura ‘going to’)
Example: George / wear / a new suit / tonight.
__George is going to wear a new suit tonight.___
- Janet / bring / the baby / tonight
- Mr. Taylor / not sell / the house / next year.
- You / not wash / your hair / in the afternoon.
- We / leave / our home / in the morning.
- He / do / his homework / after lunch
- I / wear / these shoes / to the party
- He / make / pizza / tomorrow.
- My brothers / not watch / TV / tonight.
- You / study / for your test / this evening
3- Ask questions to these statements. (Faça perguntas destas afirmações)
Example: John looks tired. He is going to rest (descansar) hoje a noite.
John looks tired. Is he going to rest tonight?
- My grandma can’t walk (caminhar) well. She is going to get (pegar) a cane (bengala).
- Their dresses (vestidos) are dirty (sujos). They are going to clean (limpar) them.
- My sister isn’t (não está) feeling (sentindo-se) well. She is going to see (ver) a doctor.
- Mom (mamãe) needs (precisa) a new dress. She is going to buy (comprar) one this afternoon.
- Paul and Fran have (tem) new bikes. They are going to ride (andar) them at the park (no parque)
- Freddy has (precisa) to study. He is going to have a test (teste) tomorrow.
- The Silvas have just (recém) bought (compraram) a new house. They are going to paint it for Christmas.
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